Visible - Valuable - Vital

Mon - Thurs

  9 am - 8 pm
  9 am - 6 pm
  9 am - 4 pm
  2 pm - 5 pm



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 A-WTPL Outreach Services


Developing Relationships
for a Stronger Community


The Avon-Washington Township Public Library seeks to connect with its community beyond the walls of the library building. We hope that in doing so, the needs of our community will be better served. The youth services department offers a variety of programs for local schools and daycares. These include storytimes, book talks, reader's theatre and storytelling. We can tailor programs for events, themes and holidays, or we can provide one of our own. Call the library (317-272-4818) for more information.


Ideas for Elementary Schools

Storytimes - Our Outreach Specialist can prepare a storytime for your class using a theme you request or one she has on file. Storytimes are usually 15-30 minutes long depending on the age of the group and can include stories, rhymes, fingerplays, flannel boards and song and dance.

Field Trips/Virtual Field Trips - Teachers are welcome to schedule field trips to the library. Often during a field  trip, our Outreach Specialist gives a tour of the library,  including a "behind the scenes" look at where books go after they turn them in, and/or puts on a storytime in the Children's Programming Room. However, if this is not feasible, the Outreach Specialist can also bring in virtual tour (photos and/or video) and a brochure with a guide to the library for the students to take home. For older students, the use of a projector and laptop can show the students how to use the electronic card catalog and databases.

Ideas for Daycares

Storytimes - Storytimes can be done according to a theme and include stories, songs, rhymes, flannel boards and fingerplays. The Outreach Specialist can do a storytime program for an entire daycare at once, or visit multiple smaller groups or classes over a one or two day span.

Field Trips - Many daycares enjoy scheduling a field trip to the library. You may choose between a tour of the library and/or a storytime in the Children's Programming Room.


Outreach/Teen Services Librarian


The Outreach/Teen Services Librarian travels to many local daycares and preschools once a month to provide storytimes for children ages toddler to five years old. The Outreach/Teen Services Librarian also goes to the schools to present storytimes and share information about the library, how to conduct research, how to create a successful storytime (high school), and more. Another outreach duty includes leading tours of the library upon request, which can be followed by storytimes and crafts. The teen services aspect of the job consists of leading the Teen Advisory Group, planning at least one monthly program. If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests concerning anything, feel free to stop in or call the library at 317-272-4818
